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  /    /  Wakeboarding


Wakeboarding is a water sport that originated in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s and soon found many followers around the world. A fundamental aspect of this activity is to rely on a good level of equipment, but having a strong confidence in the water is also important, as well as being able to swim well and, above all, being able to maintain good balance on the board.

Wakeboarding is mainly practised in lakes, where the rider is often towed by an overhead cable or a rope tied to a motorboat, while having both feet placed on a symmetrical board. This fun sporting activity is a fusion of water skiing and snowboarding, allowing those who practice it to launch themselves into turns, jumps, manoeuvres and tricks of all kinds and difficulty.
Of course, practising at sea provides a more stimulating experience due to the presence of waves and currents, which will test the rider with guaranteed excitement and adrenaline.
The option offered by Abakiting is the Wakeboard foil, in which you are towed by the tender. The wakeboard design for this discipline is stiffer (less flex), has a base with features that help you advance more easily along the wake, and is equipped with a set of fins.

 For this sport, wakeboards are generally thin and rectangular in shape, with rounded edges and a convex profile. On the upper face there are bindings similar to snowboard boots, with which the athlete remains attached to the board.

The length of the wakeboard can be different depending on the type, as well as the shape, size, and flexibility. In addition to the board, a rope and a barbell are needed to be towed from the motor boat, and a protective head helmet and life jacket are required to ensure the rider’s safety.

The wakeboard boards offered by Abakiting are: foil board

On windless days it is done with a foil board


Enrico Maccaferri is a certified iko instructor and a graduate of the Nautical Institute of Venice. So, you’re in good hands!


Contact us for more informations and book your experience.

+39 3356326112 +39 344 4368672