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aba kite surfing sailing sardinia porto botte

Porto Botte

Porto Botte

A wonderful beach and sea suitable for kiters of all levels

Porto Botte is located between the municipalities of San Giovanni Sergiu and Giba.
In Porto Botte there are two kite spots: once you reach the sea you can continue on the right and arrive to “il Fortino”, where the water is flat and deep. There is an efficient rescue service in case of need. Continuing on the left you reach the other side of Porto Botte, where the water is a little more rough and shallow, with an exit corridor and rescue service if necessary.
Porto Botte beach is located in the Gulf of Palmas, close to the isthmus of Sant’Antioco’s island. The beach, narrow and long, extends for about 3.5 km and is made up of white sand mixed with shells. The sea has a shallow and sandy bottom, with crystal clear waters with different shades of blue. Porto Botte beach is enriched by the presence of a pond, where is possible to admire pink flamingos and other migratory birds. Further down you will find the ponds of Baiocco and Mulargia. The beach is an excellent observation point for wonderful bird species, settled on the island where they nest regularly.
This spot is ideal for freestyle kitesurfing, for beginners and for those who want to specialize in tricks of varying difficulty. The Mistral is the wind that occurs most frequently and comes from the right side-on. The acceleration it often manifests leads to easily reach 30 knots. The west wind enters almost straight from the sea, but is generally constant. The north wind arrives on the right tack but is very gusty. The same happens for the Scirocco, but coming from the left.
The Porto Botte kite spot is highly regarded for its flat water and the strong wind, which make it a good place to learn kitesurfing and to improve freestyle. The two kite spots within the bay can safely accommodate a large number of kiters.
The wind blows during the whole year, increasing in intensity with the thermal wind (from May to October) and the “Venturi” effect produced by the characteristic morphology of this stretch of coast. In particular, the north-west wind, with sun or little cloud, blows from 5 to 10 knots stronger than expected.
With us at Aba Kiting – kite, kitesurf, kitesurfing, kiteboarding, you will find the best conditions to kitesurf with passion and education. Step by step we will teach you every secret about the spots and kitesurfing as well.

Porto Botte prevailing Winds

  • The North-West wind (Mistral) which predominates in Sardinia, blows strongly and directly in the Gulf of Palmas, increasing in intensity due to the thermal wind and the “Venturi effect”.
  • The south-east wind (Scirocco) coming from the opposite direction is a bit gusty and side-off.
  • The West (Ponente) and South-West (Libeccio) winds blow well from spring to autumn if the sky is not too cloudy.
  • The north wind (Tramontana) often blows strong and cold in the bay during the entire winter season (even more than 50 knots).


Contact us for more informations and book your experience.

+39 3356326112 +39 344 4368672