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Punta Trettu

Punta Trettu

Upon arrival, the splendid scenery of Punta Trettu beach opens up, identified by its extensive pine forest.

This part of the coast is characterized by a high and unique landscape recognisable with a single glance: sea view with the island of Sant’Antioco and the island of San Pietro in the background, respectively fourth and fifth Italian islands by extension.

Punta Trettu is a popular destination for lovers of nature and outdoor sports, all year round. The location in fact, due to its particular exposure to constant winds and the physical characteristics of the coast, is the perfect spot for those who practice Kitesurf.
Kitesurfing and wakeboarding in Sardinia in recent years have exploded significantly and this makes Punta Trettu a popular destination for kite enthusiasts, who are many, visitors from all over the world.

Punta Trettu is located about 5 minutes from Matzaccara, in the municipality of San Giovanni Suergiu. Geographically, Punta Trettu is designed like a strip of sand about 700 meters long that divides the Sardinian Sea from the Sant’Antioco Lagoon. This strip of sand points straight towards the island of Sant’Antioco, and from here comes the name Punta Trettu or Punt’e Trettu in Sardinian, which means in Italian “straight tip”.

The Punta Trettu kite spot is among the best kite spots in Sardinia and its fame spreads as one of the best in Europe. It is a very popular spot and is considered the ideal place for kitesurfing for the conditions that offers: the water is flat with mostly sandy shallows, the wind is usually constant and blows very frequently throughout the year.
All these features, including the wide spaces for manoeuvre, which allows it to accommodate many kiters simultaneously, make Punta Trettu an ideal spot both for learning kitesurfing in complete safety and for practicing the freestyle.

Beginners can learn to kitesurf in shallow and calm waters, ideal conditions that allow an easier and safer approach; if necessary, you can walk hundreds of meters in shallow water.
With us at Aba Kiting – sailing, kitesurfing, wakeboarding you will find the best conditions to surf with passion and education. Step by step we will reveal to you everything about the spots and kitesurfing.

The wind is present all year round, it increases in intensity with the thermal wind (from May to October) and with the “Venturi” effect produced by the characteristic morphology of this stretch of coast. In particular, the North-west and South-east winds, with sun or little cloud cover, blow from 5 to 10 knots stronger than expected.

Punta Trettu prevailing winds

  • The north-west wind (Mistral) which predominates in Sardinia, blows strongly and directly in the bay, increasing in intensity due to the “Venturi effect” and thermal wind.
  • The south-east wind (Scirocco) blows perfectly from the opposite direction, benefiting from the Venturi effect and the thermal wind.
  • The east wind (Levante) enters the bay and Punta Trettu is probably the only kite spot on the south-western coast of Sardinia where it’s possible to kite even in this direction of the wind.
  • The wind from the West (Ponente) and the South-West (Libeccio) blow quite well from spring to autumn if the sky is not too cloudy.
  • The Northern wind (Tramontana) is very cold and blows strongly in the bay during the winter season (even over 50 knots).


Contact us for more informations and book your experience.

+39 3356326112 +39 344 4368672